Monday, October 22, 2007

Who Am I? Can The Color of My Skin Talk? Could I've Chosen Different Set of Parents?

Taxi-Driver is Discriminated by City-of-Montreal
My name is Arieh Perecowicz. I’m Jewish. I’ve been driving a taxi for the past 41 years. Since 12-19-06 my vehicle was inspected by Bureau du Taxi & on 3 occasions I was fined $166 each for allegedly violating City-of-Montréal ByLaw 03-105 Sect 98. The items I was ordered to remove are: A photograph of my daughter, Poppies commemorating Canadian WW2 Veterans, A picture of a Rabbi, Small car Mezuzahs. While our Quebec and Canadian Charters of Human Rights & Freedoms, guaranteeing us the Right to Freedom of speech, Expression, and Religion, the Rights & Freedoms to Express our own identity of who we are through pictures symbols, icons & artifacts do our Bureaucrats and Politicians keep on re-evaluating how far they’ve gone in Reasonably Accommodating us. Do we’ve that Freedom of Expression of our identity of who we are? Does our Freedom of Religion in our home if extended-outdoors into our car threaten anyone else’s Rights? Displaying discreetly a Mezuzah, a Rabbi Picture, love one Pictures, a Commemorating-Canadian-Veteran-Poppy, in one own car would it infringe someone else’s Rights? Would you consider it to be offensive? In practice, as minorities are we Really Equal to access our Rights & Freedom as the majority is? Are we Really ALL truly EQUAL, in Reality? If we claim to be “equal” why then; Large Government Public-Institutions like, Saint-Mary-Hospital less of a Public-Place than a Taxi? Does displaying a Mezuzah, a Rabbi-Picture, love one Pictures a Commemorating-Canadian Veteran-Poppy diminish one’s professionalism abilities? Are these items considered to be a Risk-Factor to any one? Are they being offensive to diminish one’s Rights? City-of-Montréal ByLaw 03-105 Section 98 is it guarantying us the Canadian & Quebec Charters? Am I Really being Reasonably-Accommodated? Am I Overly-Accommodated? Are we Rolling-Back on our Fundamental-Rights andFreedoms? Is this just another-form of Religion-based-Discrimination?
Phone: 514-235-4225
